By, 10 June, 2023

The  11th edition of  the Winter School on Network Optimization  will take place at Hotel Londres, Estoril, Portugal, from the 20th  to the 24th of January of 2025.  In the spirit of the previous editions, the main objective of the school is to provide an opportunity for PhD students to get together and attend high level courses in the field of Network Optimization. Non-PhD students are welcome to attend the school, but the number of participants is limited and priority will be given to PhD students. Since the first edition in 2009, the school has been part of the activities of the ENOG (European Network Optimization Group). The event is also endorsed by the EURO  (the Association of European Societies)  and APDIO  (the Portuguese OR society).
NetOpt2009, NetOpt2011, NetOpt2013, NetOpt2015, NetOpt2016, NetOpt2017, NetOpt2018, NetOpt2019, NeptOpt2020 and NeptOpt2024 were a success and brought participants from respectively 13, 17, 13, 13, 13, 15, 14, 13, 13 and 13 different countries.  

Supported by project: UIDB/04561/2020
